About us

The Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer, operational since the end of 2023, is a private foundation founded by Arexpo S.p.A. and the IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Foundation, IRCCS San Matteo, IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, and IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Studio e Cura Tumori, as founding ordinary members.

More recently, the adhesions of IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori in Monza and Human Technopole as ordinary members, and IRCCS Mondino National Neurological Institute as a participating member have been formalized.

As of today, FITT engages with a community of around 3.000 researchers, positioning itself as one of the largest European hubs in terms of volume and research capacity in the biomedical sector.

The significant intellectual property critical mass allows for important economies of scale: skills, processes, and business development tools are optimized, initiating scouting activities not only ‘push’ (i.e., identifying and directly contacting potential global counterparts) but also ‘pull’ (the critical mass of IP attracts the interest of companies with open innovation policies, who directly contact the Foundation).

FITT aims to leverage the results of its members’ research activities through option or licensing agreements with companies in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and medical device sectors, or through the creation of new entrepreneurial initiatives where, in exchange for the transfer of intellectual property by a FITT member, capital is provided by an investor identified and engaged by FITT.

Main activities

  • Collaboration among IRCCSs.

  • Streamlining of training processes

  • Sharing key skills And i nterdisciplinarity

  • Inclusion of TT professionals in headquarters for sharing best practices

  • Direct link between UTTs and IRCCS researchers

  • Separate patent portfolio management for each IRCCS

  • Amplification of communication activities

  • Knowledge transfer

  • Protection of industrial property

  • Promotion of entering into partnerships and agreements on the sale and licensing of patents

Why technology transfer

and why it is important

Because the



and why

is important

Technology transfer is an essential tool for transforming the results of scientific research into new opportunities for care, devices, and drugs for all citizens.
The process leads to significant business opportunity as well, thus improving the country’s competitiveness and innovative capacity. The starting point is always research, which reaches the market through the intermediate steps of the supply chain involving different actors.

Tech transfer steps range from assisting researchers in positioning research programs to collecting and evaluating communications regarding the invention or patent and adopting the most suitable forms of protection. Proper technology transfer management is essential to ensure the valorization of research activities and the creation of value for the parties involved, ultimatlely for improving the quality of life of citizens.

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